My setup:
I have a windows 10 Microsoft surface book 3 (SB3) and a 15-inch 2013 MacBook Pro with Catalina macOS installed. External keyboard and mouse are plugged in my SB3, and shared to my Mac via ‘ShareMouse’ or multicasting. My BOSE Bluetooth headphone is only connected to my Mac when I need it. I find windows is a lot more versatile comparing to Mac when it comes to games, tailored software, drawing, etc. It is definitely an important tool to master.

Recent troubles:
- Windows 10 USB port dropping connection when Bluetooth being turned on. There seems to be quite some Bluetooth related issues with surface book 3. Unfortunately redownloading newest intel Bluetooth driver has not helped.
- Driver download: https://www.windowslatest.com/2020/08/07/intel-updates-windows-10-wifi-bluetooth-drivers-with-fixes/
- My MSFT forum post 1: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/forum/surflaptop3-surfperf/surface-laptop-bluetooth-drops-out-intermittently/c91e3cbb-5896-45d0-8f5f-0aa7d1cd6f48?messageId=06ad6485-7660-4d2a-9af6-d3dc29f48010
- My MSFT forum post 2: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/forum/surfbook3-surfupdate/sb3-usb-keyboard-and-mouse-intermittently/7b227de4-6bcc-45cc-a1cf-102cbcb7a29b - In the 2020 Aug Windows 10 version 2004 update. All advanced power options will not be editable. Not even by changing ‘CsEnabled’ registry keys. https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/euen96/csenabled_missing/
- There are two types of settings in windows 10. One is inheriting from previous windows which can be accessed by starting from control panel, another is native to windows 10 which can be accessed by right clicking windows icon and go settings.
- Surface Pen stopped working after being both Bluetooth and NFC paired. I solved it by uninstalling the two surface pen related drivers under device management — input. Note you have to navigate to the control panel version of device management.
- Not able to install an application due to “memory integrity issue”. Then device security — core isolation cannot be changed manually. Solution is to edit one registry key: https://simpleitpro.com/index.php/2020/06/08/windows-10-how-to-disable-or-enable-core-isolation-memory-integrity/
- Windows defender cannot be started — solved by just restarting PC.
- All icons enlarged. Tablet UI forced on desktop mode. Fixed by adjusting the tablet mode. https://www.windowslatest.com/2020/06/15/windows-10-update-tablet-ui-extra-spacing/
- Display turn off and graphics performance issue when it is set correctly in power management. For this one I found I had to install extra NVIDIA driver manually to make use of my second video card in surface book 3. This could be a real bummer for those who do not realize after purchasing. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/drivers/
- netutils.dll missing when installing software's, which you need to install and replace with a new one here: https://www.dll-files.com/netutils.dll.html
- Additional surface book 3 drivers not coming with the package: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=101315
- Intel drivers download additional to windows: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/intel-driver-support-assistant.html
Troubleshooting Tips (in order):
- Restarting PC or related software like drivers.
- Google the answer (this could take a while to find the solution if the issue is still not 100% reproducible).
- If still unable to find a reproducible issue pattern, you just have to try plugging away by excluding non-related issue. For example, when I experienced my USB device dropping connection, I spent nearly a week ruling out issues with accessory driver software (troubleshooting latest factory driver by taking windows dump when unresponsive), accessory hardware (works on other platforms), windows software (reinstalling), windows hardware (like adjusting the surface panel hinge). Then knowing all that, it was easy for me to finally realize the USB connection problem was caused by every time I listened to music or watched YouTube on my Bluetooth headphone.
- Have patience and keep working at it! Nothing cannot be solved or got around.
*Microsoft’s virtual agent could have some tips and material. But it is very general and could be a long shot. I do not suggest talking with a real agent or posting on forums, as most of the time I do not see positive outcome myself or in other people’s forums. All the answers I found useful appear in some people’s blog rather than the formal help section.